To protect the integrity of your payments you can use a MAC. For more information see chapter 6 about security in the web manual or chapter 4 in the server manual.
Articles in this section
- Is it alright to use the web solution even if we do not use our own server?
- Do you provide any Java API with which we can use your payment solution?
- To what extent can we design our own administration interface?
- How is the payment solution integrated?
- Is the encryption program platform independent?
- Does DIBS's system work with Solaris, NT, Linux, etc?
- We're trying to do a real transaction, but get the response: "This shop is not allowed to use the given currency".
- We run in test mode, but the purchases are denied every time.
- Can the shop send its own parameters, and then get them back with the http-report?
- Is there a way to secure that the data parameter is not manipulated?
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